The form of movement, Angélique Buisson
Tuesday 6 June 2017, 6.30 pm
Dot Above
Yellow sticker, blue marker, 10 × 7 cm
École Lamartine, Saint-Michel-sur-Orge
Between the months of April and June 2017, Angélique Buisson worked with the CE1 and CP/CM1 classes of the École Lamartine in Saint-Michel-sur-Orge. By using different graphic and plastic media (drawing, writing, découpage…), the children invented a range of signs for an alphabet featuring gestures and movements. Using this language, they wrote out the scores for a series of movements, transcribing a choreography that can be performed. Tuesday, 6 June, the children stage a show at the school featuring the results of the research, experiments, and artworks that grew out of the workshops.
With the support of Direction des Services Départementaux de l'Éducation Nationale de l’Essonne.
- La Forme du mouvement Angélique Buisson (Residency)