Workshop ABCC
Tuesday 11 July 2017, 2 pm-5 pm
Centre d'hébergement Emmaüs Solidarité Bois de l'Abbé, Épinay-sur-Orge
Horizontal Ellipsis
La Carte des Rêves…
Mural painting
Paint, 10 × 30 cm
CHU, Épinay-sur-Orge
Following up on the The ABCC of CACB residency of the graphic designers Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé at CAC Brétigny, the center is offering participants the chance to discover how it is possible to appropriate and view differently the landscape and the everyday environment through the signs that compose it. As if conducting an investigation of our own territory, we will collect symbols – typographic, picture, and abstract symbols drawn from commercial and road signage as well as graffiti – and transpose them in drawings.
All of the gathered signs will be visualized in order to compose words or rebuses. We will be able to see then that a sign exists both as an autonomous entity and by virtue of its being associated with other signs that contextualize it and give it meaning.
Finally, the collection of signs will be photocopied and handed over to the participants. The resulting booklet will retrace the time spent doing the workshop and will allow each participant to potentially continue the activity.
The workshop involves an initiation to typography in our environment through the practice of graphic design and allows participants to catalogue a snapshot of that environment, whose components may evolve or disappear at any time.
- Le Final 06.06—11.07.17 (Exhibitions)