“Beyond the angles of the field”
Saturday, December 11th 2021, 4 pm
Screening and talk with Dénètem Touam Bona at the Théâtre Brétigny
Square with Orthogonal Crosshatch Fill
Engraved sandstone, 20 × 12 cm
Rock shelter, Boigneville
s.d. (Mesolithic)
Screening of the film “2040. Beyond the angles of the field” directed by Mamadou Balde, Eugene Cole and Etienne de France at the Théâtre Brétigny, followed by a discussion with Dénètem Touam Bona, moderated by Elena Lespes Muñoz, project curator.
Free admission by reservation: reservation@cacbretigny.com
The landscape as an accumulation of the strata, traces and activities of humans can thus teach us the history of a territory. It is indeed the landscape that makes it possible to imagine a reflection on what forms a place, on the way people inhabit it, and the activities they develop there, on the future realities they project and build there. “Beyond the angles of the field” is a project at the crossroads of art and agriculture developed by the artist Etienne de France in collaboration with residents of EMMAÜS Solidarité—Emergency Accommodation Center Bois de L’Abbé à Epinay-sur-Orge. Through workshops and walks in the region, the group worked on the landscape as a space of imagination and resistance and explored with particular attention the cinematographic and fictive forms around it.
Together they wrote and directed the film “2040. Beyond the angles of the field ”, the result of their research on the territory. The film follow the story of two protagonists who wake up in the future and walk through a changed world. From these landscapes and their dreams emerge tales of planets and parables, which resist the stereotypical dreams inoculated by the dominant powers. Along the river, engravings, cartographies and encounters, new paths unfold.
The screening of the film will be accompanied by a collective discussion with Dénétem Touam Bona, as well as the presentation of the publication Beyond the angles of the field produced in collaboration with graphic designers T&D, Tom Bücher and Délhia Dondain.
This meeting will also be an opportunity to review the work processes and questions that animated the group during the two years of this residency.
Dénètem Touam Bona is one of those ‘Afropean’ authors, with a cross border identity, who tries to build links between worlds that weave together, even today, the ‘line of colour’. A regular contributor to the Institut du Tout-Monde and journals (Africultures…), he is the author of a philosophical and literary essay Fugitif, où cours-tu? (PUF), which is about marronages (the escape and resistance by slaves) and what he calls ‘runaway’ – forms of discrete resistance. In his various works and projects Dénètem Touam Bona tries to make ‘marronnage’ a fully-fledged philosophical concept: a model for thinking about the world today. He published in Autumn 2021 Sagesse des lianes - Cosmo-poétique du refuge, which explores the philosophical aspects of the exhibition project for the Vassivière Art Centre.
With the generous support of the Département de l’Essonne and the Service du Développement et de l'Action Territoriale of DRAC Île-de-France.
- Beyond the angles of the field Etienne de France (Residency)