Tuesday, October 20th 2020, 6 pm—8 pm
Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
CAC Brétigny
740 × 487 units
What might a school of amateur practices and understanding in the visual arts be? A genuine form of research in action, Ǝcole is a space for discussion and experimentation for its future potential users with the aim of rethinking shared educational content and structure. Who teaches what, how, and for whom? We will go over this together, including notably the intertwined history of popular education and visual arts, the evolution of educational, artistic and cultural devices, and the issues underpinning them. These subjects will themselves draw together and intertwine the question of amateur and professional art, and the notion of work more generally. Finally, this prefiguration will raise the question of governance. How do we build a school for which the processes of transmission are not vertical and descending?
The idea is to form a group which will meet regularly to collectively develop the school and nourish these meetings with our various experiences.
First meeting to participate in the group:
Tuesday, October 20th 2020 between 6 pm and 8 pm.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.com
Attention, number of places limited!