White magic workshop and screenings
Friday 6 July 2018, 6-8 pm
At Centre d'hébergement Emmaüs, Forges-les-Bains
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w.n. [Nargesa]
White print
Lycée Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Brétigny-sur-Orge
At each year’s end, CAC Brétigny deploys its final show at different areas of the region. MEMBRAINS will continue at other venues, notably at the Centre d'hébergement Emmaüs of Forges-les-Bains,with screenings of the artist’s videos and workshops designed to echo his work.
Socio-cultural center, multimedia library, association, recreation center, feel free to contact us to organize a workshop or screening at your venue: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76/78.
- MEMBRAINS Florian Sumi 26.05—21.07.18 (Exhibitions)