Double Memory
Friday 26 January 2018, 7 pm
Tour & workshop of the exhibition
Latin Capital Letter M
PUIGELLIER & BASSEREAU, Éditeurs, Rue St Martin, 240
Black print
Le Cimetière de Saint Privat ou le fusil de la revanche
Before the performance of Joris Lacoste’s Suite №2 at the Théâtre Brétigny, we are offering a studio tour focusing on the connections between language and image. In this piece for the stage, Lacoste, with the help of five polyglot actors, lets us hear words drawn from daily life around the world. These words are then added to the Encyclopédie de la parole (Encyclopedia of Spoken Language), a sprawling collection of voice recordings. Weaving links between the exhibition “Mémoire double” and theater piece Suite №2, the proposed studio tour is an opportunity to discover the different ways of forming a collection, archiving day-to-day memories as historical souvenirs, and finally thinking about how to put such a collection into spoken words, images, or a presentation for the stage.
- Double Memory 12.01—27.01.18 (Exhibitions)