Avatar Identikit Picture
Every Wednesday, 2.30 and 4.30 pm
Practical art workshop by Alexia Foubert
Paul Otlet
Black ink
In resonance with the show that is currently running, Alexia Foubert has developed a workshop that will focus on a contemporary version of the self-portrait via the avatar, often used in video games and on some of the social networks. Children participating in the workshop will describe their avatar to their partner, who will then have to draw it. Each one in a pair will draw the other according to what is said, writing a story whose characters will be the avatars developed during the workshop. The story will take shape as a paper fanzine that is to be printed up at the end of the workshop.
For three-year-olds and older. Reservations are required for groups: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 78.
Alexia Foubert lives and works in Paris. She writes and questions on, supposing that on assumes a diverse range of forms. A role in roleplaying possesses its language, a stick is not only a stick, a place tips over and is viewed through a circle, the potato is not harmless. She infiltrates and co-awards diplomas created with others. And she doesn’t only act alone. With Sarah Cerisel and Simon Guirriec (and joined by others), she co-founded the research group orama. She recently joined Zoé Philibert as one of the principal editors of the poetry review Remugle. With Léon Lenclos, she co-created the review Quatre-Quarts and with Samah Slim co-directs La Combine ( In 2016 she was the artist-in-residence at the CONA Foundation in Mumbai, where she set up the project Distractions, which she also curated. She is currently preparing a piece dealing with so-called panic rooms, is looking into a writing project in collaboration with Anna Lejemmetel, and finally is working with Alexandre Delauw-Rivière on a series of performances.
- Desk Set 10.02—28.04.18 (Exhibitions)