Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
CAC Brétigny
740 × 487 units
L’Ǝcole is a space for discussion and experimentation, for thinking together about the uses of an alternative school of practices and knowledge within the visual arts. Started in October 2020 at CAC Brétigny, l’Ǝcole has brought together people from different backgrounds but with a shared desire to learn and do things differently.
True research in action, l’Ǝcole is co-constructed by its participants over the course of their discussions. How do we create a school within which the means of transmission are neither top-down nor authoritarian? Reflections on the pedagogical contents and structure of l'Ǝcole are shared: who teaches what and how? These considerations are nourished by the intersecting histories of popular education and the visual arts and meet with questions around amateur and professional art (often considered as contrasting practices) and the notion of work more generally.
During Camille Bernard’s exhibition “Nid” (“Nest”), l'Ǝcole took up residence in the exhibition space for two months with an open practical space where you could dress up fruit, pieces of wood and theoretical texts, take part in workshops on demand mixing sewing, knitting and stamp making and attend events with readings, translation and invitations. L’Ǝcole continues its experimentations in dialogue with Carlotta Bailly-Borg and Cécile Bouffard’s exhibition. An open pratical space invites everyone to get creative and collaborative, by making an amulet with clay, fabric and plants, or by sharing a moment around games designed by artists: L'Art et ma carrière by Olivia Hernaïz, Chaud Bouillon by Line Hachem and Raphaël Serres, and “Eux” et “nous”: ce qui nous rassemble, ce qui nous sépare by Clémence de Montgolfier (The Big Conversation Space). In 2023—2024, Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. In 2024—2025, the artistic experiments of the “Bascules” (“Seesawing”) off-site season, collectively designed by the art centre team, are a continuation of l'Ǝcole.
This project is part of the “Contrat d'Éducation Artistique et Culturelle” (CTEAC) of Coeur d'Essonne Agglomération with the DRAC Île-de-France and the Academy of Versailles.
Tuesday, June 25th 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
For this evening, we invite you to join us over a cup of herbal tea to transform the bobbins made from the rags collected into a collective weaving!
Edutainer, in front of the CAC Brétigny, Rue Henri Douard, Brétigny-sur-Orge. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Tuesday, May 14th 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
For this evening, we invite you to join us over a cup of herbal tea to transform the bobbins made from the rags collected into a collective weaving!
Edutainer, in front of the CAC Brétigny, Rue Henri Douard, Brétigny-sur-Orge. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Tuesday, April 2nd 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
For this evening, we invite you to join us over a cup of herbal tea to transform the bobbins made from the rags collected into a collective weaving!
Edutainer, in front of the CAC Brétigny, Rue Henri Douard, Brétigny-sur-Orge. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Tuesday, February 20th 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
Edutainer, in front of the CAC Brétigny, Rue Henri Douard, Brétigny-sur-Orge. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Tuesday, January 9th 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
We will communicate the location of the meeting later on. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Tuesday, November 14th 2023, 6 pm-8 pm
The meetings of l'Ǝcole with Clara Denidet
Clara Denidet has been invited by l’Ǝcole to propose regular meetings open to all, combining collaborative plastic creation and conversation. The artist invites us to make simple gestures together, to pass them on to each other, and to learn collectively. Over the course of the meetings, we'll be tearing, knotting and weaving fabrics collected from users of the art centre. We hope that working together on this textile creation will open up spaces for free expression and collective thought.
In preparation for the first meeting, we are collecting “rags” (clothes, scraps of fabric, household linen, sheets, etc.) to be used in the collective creation. You can drop them off Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm at CAC Brétigny, rue Henri Douard, 91220 Brétigny-sur-Orge.
This first meeting will be held at CAC Brétigny, rue Henri Douard, 91220 Brétigny‑sur‑Orge. Free entrance. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)7 85 01 10 31. -
Saturday, March 11th 2023, 2:00-6:00 p.m.
A Saturday with l'Ǝcole
Playful and artistic shared learning
The Ǝcole, the CAC Brétigny's visual arts practice and knowledge experimentation group, proposes an afternoon of playful and artistic shared learning for both children and adults. Games, workshops, discussions and performances will offer the opportunity to discover together different ways of creating and transmitting.. The detailed programme is available here.
Open to all. Free shuttle Paris-Brétigny available, pick up at 1:45pm at 104 avenue de France, 75013 Paris (the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand metro stop). Reservation is mandatory: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76. -
Wednesday, March 29th 2023, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Book reading and artistic workshop
In collaboration with the Jules Verne Library
One of the librarian from Brétigny's publics librairies will perform a reading of the book “Strongboy” by Ilya Green which will be followed by an artistic workshop proposed by the CAC Brétigny team.
3 years and up. Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76. -
Tuesday, December 6th 2022, 6 pm-8 pm
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
The Ǝcole is a space for discussion and collective experimentation around practices and knowledge in the visual arts, which meets monthly. In December, we invite you to an arpentage of the book The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study by Stefano Harney and Fred Moten, in its collective French translation (2022). Originating in 19th century working-class culture, the arpentage is a method of reading. The text studied is torn into as many parts as there are readers. After an individual time of deciphering, the group gathers to read excerpts and discuss the ideas of the book.
Free, booking is appreciated at reservation@cacbretigny.com -
Tuesday, November 8th 2022, 6 pm-8 pm
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
“A sharing of experience”
The Ǝcole's monthly meetings bring together people from various backgrounds who share a desire to learn and do things differently. For this session, one of the members of the group offers to share his experience of the disruption of social norms induced by the construction of a comic character, based on the emotions and sensations of each person. We will then reflect, around a text read together, on the relations between alternative pedagogies, methodologies from the performing arts, and visual arts.
Free, booking is appreciated at reservation@cacbretigny.com -
Tuesday, October 4th 2022, 6 pm-8 pm
Les rendez-vous de l' Ǝcole
Each month, the meetings of l'Ǝcole allow for collective experimentation around the transmission of practices and knowledge in the visual arts. For this next session, we will put ourselves in the shoes of a woman artist, a female exhibition curator or teacher by playing together Art & My Career, a board game designed by the artist Olivia Hernaiz.
Free, booking is appreciated at reservation@cacbretigny.com
Tuesday, September 8th, 6-8 p.m.
L'Ǝcole starts again
The CAC Brétigny invites you to a new meeting of l'Ǝcole. You'll be able to try one of the “ateliers à la demande” (workshops on demand) that was selected during Camille Bernard's exhibition: the embroidery workshop! We will learn together how to embroider while talking about l'Ǝcole and the pedagogical and collaborative concerns that drive it.
Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Tuesday, July 5, 6-8 p.m.
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
During the exhibition, these meetings will be the occasion to explore quaint collective reading methods, and to discuss together stories related to transmission and education. Originating in 19th century working-class culture, the arpentage is a method of reading. The text studied is torn into several pieces—depending on the number of readers—and then, after an individual time of deciphering, the group gathers to read excerpts and discuss the ideas of the book. bell hooks' Learning to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (2019) will be the subject of our arpentage.
Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Saturday, July 2nd, 3-4:30 p.m.
Atelier à la demande #3
Within the exhibition “Nest”, in relation to l’Ǝcole, the CAC Brétigny invite you to develop your creative skills in a group setting. In an atmosphere of collective learning, this last workshop encourages everyone, children and adults alike, to apply make-up. You are invited to dive in glitters or to turn yourselves into something new—animal, vegetal, etc.
Open to all. Information and registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Thursday, June 23th, 6-8 p.m.
"Meeting with l’école zéro"
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
During the exhibition, these meetings will be the occasion to explore quaint collective reading methods, and to discuss together stories related to transmission and education. L’école zéro is a collective founded in 2020 by students of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais. Through practice and exchange, the group reflects on different ways of "doing school" together. Several members of the collective are invited to talk about their approaches, in dialogue with participants of the Ǝcole project, which has many similarities.
Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Wednesday, June 15th 3-4:30 p.m
"Stamp pads"
Atelier à la demande #2
Within the exhibition "Nest", in relation to l’Ǝcole, the CAC Brétigny offers artmaking workshops in an atmosphere of collective learning. The contents were decided from wishes and proposals that we collected from our visitors. This second workshop will be the occasion for everyone to learn about the making of personalized stamp pads made from original materials such as potatoes and erasers.
From 3 years old. Materiel will be provided. Information and registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76. -
Saturday, June 11th, 3-4:30 p.m.
Atelier à la demande #1
Within the exhibition "Nest", in relation to l’Ǝcole, the CAC Brétigny offers artmaking workshops in an atmosphere of collective learning. The contents were decided from wishes and proposals that we collected from our visitors. The first workshop will be the occasion for everyone to learn about embroidery, within the theme of nature, close to the heart of Camille Bernard. No matter your level, you are invited to experiment with us.
From 6 years old. Materiel will be provided. Information and registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76. -
Tuesday June 7th, 6-8 p.m.
"Performed readings"
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
During the exhibition, these meetings will be the occasion to explore quaint collective reading methods, and to discuss together stories related to transmission and education. This session will be an opportunity to assimilate a text written by Marguerite Duras through play and interpretation. In 1982, Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub directed the short film En rachachant, based on Marguerite Duras' tale Ah! Ernesto (1971), which tells the story of a little boy who does not want to go back to school. After viewing the video, participants will try their hand at dramatized readings of Duras' text.
Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Tuesday, May 24th, 6-8 p.m.
"Tales of experience"
Les rendez-vous de l'Ǝcole
During the exhibition, these meetings will be the occasion to explore quaint collective reading methods, and to discuss together stories related to transmission and education. For the first session, participants are invited to bring texts evocative of school themes, to do a collective reading. All types of stories are welcome, and a collection of texts will be available to the group.
Registration: reservation@cacbretigny.com or +33 (0)1 60 85 20 76.
Sunday, May 15th 2022, 3—6pm
Open to all. Free entrance. Refreshments and snacks will be offered.
Free shuttle Paris-Brétigny available: Pick-up at 2 pm at 104 avenue de France, 75013 Paris (the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand metro stop).
Request at reservation@cacbretigny.com -
Thusday, April 5th 2022, 6—8pm
Ǝcole is an experimental group of practices and knowledge in the visual arts is a research group made up of people from the fields of art, associations and civil society, which meets monthly at the CAC Brétigny.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about it: info@cacbretigny.com
Thursday, March 17th 2022, 6—8pm
Ǝcole is an experimental group of practices and knowledge in the visual arts made up of people from the fields of art, associations and civil society, which meets monthly at the CAC Brétigny. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about it: info@cacbretigny.com
Tuesday, February 15th 2022, 6—8pm
Ǝcole is an experimental group of practices and knowledge in the visual arts made up of people from the fields of art, associations and civil society, which meets monthly at the CAC Brétigny. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about it: info@cacbretigny.com
Wednesday, January 19th 2022, 6—8pm
Ǝcole is an experimental group of practices and knowledge in the visual art which meets every month at the CAC Brétigny, it is open to all. For this meeting, we plan to continue to reflect on how Ǝcole's project within the art center can take concrete shape: What will we do in it? In what form? How? How often?
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.com
Tuesday, November 16th 2021, 6—8pm
Ǝcole is an experimental group of practices and knowledge in the visual art which meets every month at the CAC Brétigny, it is open to all. For this meeting, we plan to reflect on how the school's project within the art center can take concrete shape: What will we do in it? In what form? How? With which rythm?
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.com
Friday, October 1st 2021, 6—8pm
For this reunion at the art center, the Ǝcole welcomes the artist Morgane Brien-Hamdane who offers us a collective dance session. Then we will all discuss together to collectively build the next session.
The Ǝcole is a research group which meets every month at the CAC Brétigny, it is open to all.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.com
Tuesday, April 13th 2021, 6:30—7:45 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!
Wednesday, March 24th 2021, 6:15—7:30 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!
Tuesday, October 20th 2020, 6 pm—8 pm
First meeting to participate in the group:
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.com
Attention, number of places limited!
Thursday, February 18th 2021, 6:15—7:15 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!
Thursday, January 21th 2021, 6—7 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!
Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 6 pm—7 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!
Tuesday, November 17th 2020, 6 pm
Due to new government measures, the meeting will be online, information will be communicated to you at the time of booking.
Please book at +33 (0) 1 60 85 20 76 or by email at: reservation@cacbretigny.comAttention, number of places limited!